Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved as a parent or community member at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College.

College Council

All government schools in Victoria have a school council. A school council directly influences the quality of education that a school provides to its students. The work of the College Council, among other responsibilities, is to:

  • Establish and articulate the broad direction and vision of the school within the school’s community
  • Develop and monitor the school Strategic Plan
  • Review and update school policies
  • Raise funds for school related purposes
  • Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditure
  • Maintain the school’s grounds and facilities
  • Stimulate interest in the school generally

College Council nominations are called for in February each year, and where nominations exceed available places, an election held in March.

The College Council President for 2023 is Sam Ricardo.

Advocates for Sport and Physical Activity (ASPA)

The Advocates for Sport and Physical Activity is a group of interested parents, staff and students with a collective vision to coordinate and promote sport and physical activity at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College.

The group will engage in fundraising for specific programs and work to establish links with external organisations to auspice programs and opportunities for students to engage in sport and physical activity.

For further information, please email the College.


Friends of Performing Arts (FOPA)

The FOPA group of parents who are interested in supporting the College’s excellent and extensive Music and Performing Arts programs. They meet twice a term in the lead up to significant fundraising and performance events for the College including the Autumn Festival, Music Showcase, Production and Middle School Production.

FOPA initiates fundraising to purchase and upgrade music and drama equipment. Funds are also raised to help support transport costs to Camps and Performance Assessments.

Please check the College website for upcoming meetings and anticipated music and performance events. If you are interested in joining FOPA please contact Assistant Principal’s, Emma Ford or Rachael Smith.

Friends of STEAM

Friends of STEAM (Science Technology -Engineering -Arts Maths)

A parent-teacher-student body supporting the STEAM program at school. The various activities undertaken include fundraising through the annual STEAM futures conference, supporting grant writing proposals and providing the opportunity to students to attend specialist talks in various STEAM fields of study.

For further information, please contact the STEAM Leader,ÌýVeena Nair