
College Leadership

From Year 7 through to Year 12, student leadership is a priority at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College. Our student leaders make a positive difference to our culture and encourage active involvement in school activities and enrichment opportunities.

The development of a range of leadership positions across the College allows students to develop their leadership potential, have their voices heard, have an authentic agency role and be empowered to support our community to continually improve.

Aside from College Captains, our students are also provided with the chance to lead in areas such as Community Service, Debating, Drama, Health & Wellbeing, Languages, Magazine, Music, Sport, SRC, STEM, Visual Arts and as our College House Captains.

In February each year, the Year 12 Student Leaders attend a two-day camp where they gain valuable insight into their individual strengths, leadership styles and develop priorities for their roles for the year ahead.

Student Leadership Groups

The development of leadership positions in the Middle and Senior Years allows more students to have a voice and at the same time build on their leadership potential.

General Selection criteria

  • Enthusiastic support for and commitment to the College values and ethos.
  • Ability to work co-operatively and effectively with others of varying ages.
  • Desire to promote and publicise activities within the College.
  • Preparedness to take a public leadership role.
  • Ability to manage time and responsibilities effectively.
  • Demonstrated commitment to the school uniform
  • Preparedness to be proud ambassadors of the College.

Students have the opportunity to nominate for the positions by completing a written application.

Successful nominees develop a leadership flyer to advertise their suitability and address all relevant students to present their suitability as a leader.  Candidates also participate in an interview with the Assistant Principal and Program Leaders. All students in the relevant years and staff members then vote for their preferred candidate.

Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a forum for students of all year levels to voice their ideas for improving students’ experience of ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College. The SRC is led by the three Year 12 designated SRC Captains. It comprises three representatives from years 7-11, and there is also a representative from each class.

Among other events, the SRC organises out of uniform days. The proceeds go to projects within the College and to community organisations such as Canteen and World Vision.

Student Leadership Team