Middle School

Year 7

At Year 7 the focus is on the student’s transition from primary school to secondary school. The transition team work closely with Grade 6 teachers to ensure the move into Year 7 is a smooth and positive experience.  Year 7s will be assigned to a house during the enrolment process. Each house has a teacher who is the Head of House and who works closely with 3 House Leaders. The house team will support the student wellbeing and learning together with their classroom teachers. At this level, students have their own Year 7 school yard area, a basketball court, locker allocations and home rooms where most of their core subjects are scheduled.

Transition and Wellbeing

Students at this level are involved in Wellbeing Days (one day each semester) where they interact with guest speakers and participate in activities on a range of topics related to the health and wellbeing of young people. Topics include bullying, cyber safety, resilience, growing up and making choices as well as team building activities. An important part of the transition process is our Peer Support Program, where a group of committed and responsible Year 10 students work with Year 7s throughout the semester to help develop positive relationships. Year 7s participate in a 3 day camp during Term 2, which is important for building strong connections not only within their house group but also the year level.

Year 7-10 students participate in the Launch program for one period each week. Classes are structured vertically and in house groups. Students will be in the same launch class from Year 7 until Year 10. The program is led by mentor teachers who will also work with the same students for the duration of their Middle School career. The program is focussed on strengths based learning and gives students a range of experiences building on house pride and involvement in interest areas.


The learning program for Year 7 students consists of students experiencing a range of core subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and either German or Japanese. The students also study a range of Art and Technology subjects such as Digital Technologies, Art, Drama, Textiles, Media and Music.

For more information on the Year Level and the curriculum, please click on the Year 7 Handbook link

Year 8

Connectedness and Wellbeing

During Year 8, the focus for students is ensuring connectedness to the school community and belonging, resilience and respectful relationships. Year 8s are managed by a Head of House and 3 House Leaders. The house team will support the student wellbeing and learning together with their classroom teachers.

To develop their understanding of gratitude, empathy, resilience and community students will participate in ‘Heads Up’ activities as a part of the Launch program. Students will focus on learning positive mental health strategies including developing a positive mindset, mindfulness and inclusiveness.

Year 8s are offered the opportunity to attend a Camp toward the end of the year. They will choose from a range of activities that interest them and have the chance to further develop connectedness and sense of belonging with the peers in their house and year level.

In Launch classes, students will participate in a number of career and pathways activities and Year 9 elective information sessions to ensure students are actively considering and developing their interests and skills and taking a considered approach to future studies. 


Year 8 students will study a core program including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and either German or Japanese. They will also experience a number of Art and Technology subjects such as 3D Art, Drama, Music, Materials Technology and Design, Visual Communication and Design and Food Technology.

For more information on the Year Level and the curriculum, please click on the Year 8 Handbook link

Year 9

Independence Development and Wellbeing

Year 9 at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College focusses on the students becoming independent and resilient learners, building their confidence to embark on their learning as the most senior members of the Middle School. Year 9s are managed by a Head of House and 3 House Leaders. The house team will support the student wellbeing and learning together with their classroom teachers.

Students will be engaged in a number of programs to build their capacity as both learners and effective members of the community. These include offering the students the choice of camps or school based activities based on their interests. Students will also participate in a City Experience enquiry project in the second semester.

A variety of careers and pathways workshops will occur during Launch classes for Year 9s in Semester One. This aims to assist students to make confident decisions in their subject choices for Year 10. The workshops supported by the Achieve Online program help students to explore their personal strengths and interests and begin linking these to subjects and possible pathway options for the future. We encourage students to think about their elective choices as a time for growth and exploration in subjects they find engaging.


Year 9 students will continue to study a core program including English, Mathematics, Science and Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Digital Technologies, along with an extensive selection of electives including Languages, Art and Technologies subjects. At Year 9, students are also offered a range of electives to suit their interests from all Domain Areas. Some examples include Duke of Edinburgh, Forensic Science and Literature. Please find a full list of elective options in the Year 9 Handbook.

In Term 4, students undertake their first formal examination experience.

For more information on the Year Level and the curriculum, please click on the Year 9 Handbook Handbook link

Year 10

Leadership, reflections and preparation for senior school

In Year 10, all students reflect upon their strengths and areas for improvement in preparation for VCE subject choices and future pathway options. The Year 10 program includes Work Experience and counselling for preparation of course selection.

Year 10s are managed by a Head of House and 3 House Leaders. The house team will support the student wellbeing and learning together with their classroom teachers.

Year 10 students will participate in the Launch program twice per week. The focus of these sessions is to identify their passions and strengths by building transferrable skills especially through the Achieve Online program. One of the sessions occurs in a vertical class format allowing for informal mentoring and leadership opportunities for all students. The peer support program and house leadership structure are also formal means for students to develop their leadership capacity.

The gives parents and students an overview of the programs delivered at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ College for Year 10 students. The curriculum structure is outlined along with information about the VCE, key people to contact and expectations of students. Further details can also be found on the VCE page. Â